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Differences Between Citizenship And Permanent Resident

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Citizenship is not similar to permanent residence. You can get more info info in this site. A citizen of a particular country is a person who is legally recognized by a state as its member with associated rights and obligations of the country while a permanent resident is any person who has immigrated into a country mainly due to work purposes and has been given a permanent resident status by the host country. A permanent resident is however not a citizen of the country he or she is in. In every country, permanent residents are issued with the permanent residence card while citizens are issues with the country’s identification cards to recognize them as the members of those states. Many differences between citizenship and permanent resident comes due to the right the two categories have. However, to get a citizenship of a country, one has to become a permanent resident of the country first. This is a law especially in Canada. There are however so many permanent residency requirements which one must meet in order to get the citizenship of the country he or she is in. More details at

The following is a discussion about some top differences between citizenships and permanent residencies.

The first thing that differentiates citizenship from permanent residents is that the citizens have rights to vote unlike the permanent residents who do not have voting rights until they apply for citizenships and become the citizens of the country. Citizenships is for lifetime for family and children while permanent residency is for a specific period of time. As a permanent resident, you only stay in the host country for a specific period of time that you will be working or studying depending on the agreement. However, the good news is that as a permanent citizen, you are not limited to applying the citizenship of the country for your lifetime stay. The other difference between citizenship and permanent residents is that you citizens are protected from deportations unlike the permanent residents who can be deported in case they commit some serious crimes. For the permanent residents, lifetime settlement permit is renewed after a specific duration mainly ten years. Citizenship does not involve any lifetime settlement permit as one already belongs to the country. Permanent residents are also required to pay taxes on income once they acquire permanent residency status. In the citizenship of many countries, one is required to pay taxes once he or she gets a job. Permanent residents are allowed to have citizenships of their mother countries while in the case of citizenships, one can hold dual or multiple citizenships. Find more details here: